San Diego County Fair Inches Closer to Smokefree Status

The hugely popular San Diego County Fair has been lagging when it comes to smokefree family entertainment. In 2009, after years of encouragement from Tobacco Free Communities Coalition agencies and community members,the fair for the first time instituted designated smoking areas. The following year found essentially the same numbers of areas (eight), many of which were identified as problematic due to proximity to minors and dining areas.

This year, there are only four smoking areas located on the periphery of the fairgrounds, and messages about the fair being smokefree are more visible than ever. TFCC member agency San Dieguito Alliance has been spearheading the effort to nudge the fair to be completely smokefree, and is coordinating a booth to help spread the word about the benefits of smokefree policies and resources for quitting smoking.

Volunteers are needed to staff the booth and to help assess fairgoers’ support for a smokefree fair. Come on out, enjoy the fair, and do your part for a smokefree San Diego! Volunteers receive free fair admission. The fair runs from June 10 through July 4, 2011. Contact Barbara Gordon at 858.354.3800 or if you are interested.